Raising a Cocoa Bean

My Fiancé and I have been asked by multiple of our peers, how do we raise our son in a multi-racial (cultural) household. So, I thought I would share some advice on this blog to the parents and or future parents who's children will be raised in the same household. To start off, definitely practice both languages inside the home, have dad only practice Spanish while mom only speaks English to baby. Babies brains are like sponges at this age until their pre-teen years and they soak up more information than we know, plus this also helps a parent that is slacking in one language to gain more skill by repeating. Another tip is Expose Expose Expose. Even if you yourself didn't grow up Full of culture and you family didn't let your curiosity soar, create your own culture within you home, let new family traditions blossom and follow your kids through life until the next generation sprouts. Travel and to see, eat and experience pieces of each parents' backgrounds, plus it creates fond everlasting memories. Lastly, make sure you teach your child to be proud of who they are and their family origins. Teach and encourage them to love themselves and express themselves no matter the environment that surrounds them. You are already loving parents (that comes naturally), but now you are also a role model your little ones are going to appreciate and aspire to be. I've been rambling on writing this post, thank you if you've read this far! Pleaseee let me know if you have any questions or advice to share with me! 😄

Here's a cute article to on teaching babies bilingualism. 

How to raise a bilingual baby | BabyCenter 


  1. Hello mama bear! I loved your advice and definitely will be using it for my kiddo can learn French from her dad. I found a wonderful journal that would also correlate with your works.
    • https://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/lat

  2. Hola, mi nombre es Dulce Ramírez. ¡Muchas gracias! He querido enseñarle inglés a mi hijo ya que estarán en clases de habla inglesa. ¿Crees que tu consejo sobre el habla bilingüe funciona igual con el español en casa y el inglés en la escuela?

  3. Hola Dulce! Nice to meet you.
    ¡Sí! El consejo seguirá funcionando. sin embargo, asegúrese de consultar con su hijo y si está entendiendo su idioma inglés. ☺️


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